

With over 10 years of experience working in the field of fruit export, grasping the market's requirements on food hygiene and safety, our company has been working closely with farmers, Hoang Phat Farm according to Viet Gap and Global Gap standards.
100% fresh fruit

With our hearts and minds set out to always improve product quality and bring to customers a stable and fresh source of fruit, HP Fruit follows utmostly the criterion of being “Self-sufficient". We have built a standardized farm system, and at the same time, invested in a team of highly skilled technicians and always updated ourselves with the most advanced technologies.

High nutritional value
Always good for the health of consumers
100% fresh
Full-cycle supply chain
Dragon fruit is a tropical fruit rich in nutritional value. This fruit can provide many valuable health benefits, such as supplementing with antioxidants, preventing cancer and boosting the body's immune system.
The ideal source of fiber: a human meal cannot lack an important ingredient, which is fiber. One medium-sized mango provides about 3 g of fiber.

Coconut is a very familiar fruit but has high nutritional value as well as being a great refreshment. This fruit is a healthier substitution of sugary and high-energy drinks.

Sugarcane is a tropical plant grown around the world, used for the making of cane sugar. Beverage made from sugarcane is very good for health.

Pomelo is a popular crop that has been grown in Vietnam for a long time with the main effect of being a fruit tree. Many places also plant pomelo trees in front of the house for ornamental purposes and for shade. Most of us have benefited from the pomelo tree and its products.

Longan is a sweet fruit, native to India or China. Currently, longan is considered a popular fruit in Asia. Longan tends to grow in clusters with each fruit is very round and comparable to the size of a large grape. Underneath the tough, tanned skin is white flesh surrounding a dark seed. With this special texture, longan is also known as "dragon eye".